Sunday, July 28, 2019

Whats Your Dangerous Idea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Whats Your Dangerous Idea - Essay Example Common people or the governed want to be left on their own to manage their own affairs. On the other hand, the ruling class or the elites are always seeking for a pretext such as war, social disorder and poverty to increase their power over common people, hence, even in the aristocratic nation, one expects the ruled in defending their interests to delay the growth and development of centralized authority. Aristocracies or governments that repress class conflicts are always successful. For instance, countries such as ancient Rome and U.S became powerful and successful because her citizens were warlike and truculent (Machiavelli 23). Politics and religion were distinct in the sense that people in ancient Rome were not godly and absolute in anyway but they are still in a position to provide vital insight in how people operated. This is the platform and foundation of political thoughts, and how the society is to be planned and organized so that every individual benefits. My political theory offers a cure to the diseased politics in the sense that my interest in the conflicts in early societies is a reflection of my personal concerns with current state which is rife with conflict. For instance, there was tension between the Italian bourgeois and the nobility, and the poor were excluded from other social classes in society. Therefore, with all these dissensions, someone has to emerge as a winner while another as a loser. In such a case, the loser has to submit to the winner in order to establish social stability (Machiavelli 55). Politics is not similar to science because of the absence of absolute rules and regulations for how to attain and maintain authority. There are certain actions to be taken but not police to resolutely and absolutely direct ad guide people’s actions. This is because contexts, time and situations transform. Therefore, the ruler or president will not remain

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