Sunday, September 22, 2019

Slang and Its Relation to Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Slang and Its Relation to Society - Essay Example Slang words or phrases were met with aversion and displeasure, as opposed to nowadays when people find no hesitation in using slang expressions in everyday conversations. Some used to believe that words like gambler and conundrum should be forbidden1. During the Middle Ages, where there was a great deal of difference in pronunciations between many regions, was when the word ‘slang’ actually came into being. It was unlike the slang we use today because then it only represented the various ways in which the people delivered their speech in the same language. Then in the 16th century, the English Criminal Cant came into being, which was the language mostly used by convicts, and was more close to the slang we use today. Gradually, this form of communication became popular and was believed to be a language without reason or order2. But as time passed, slang began to develop. Scholars such as Walt Whitman regarded anything that sounded new, as slang. It gained popularity and w as no longer deemed as the language of thugs or foreigners and also caught the attention of popular writers. In today’s world, slang is mostly used by subculture groups whose members want to appear distinct from others. They use certain codes and terms which are regarded as slang and can only be understood by the people belonging to their group. It separates them from the common population and somehow deepens their affiliation with the group. By using their own informal way of conversing, they feel a sense of belonging and attachment to the other members. Each subculture group has its own slang. Whether it’s the doctors, lawyers, teenagers or criminal, all of them have their own way of communicating with each other, and it acts as a distinguishing factor between them. Medical slang is the kind used by doctors and their staff, to converse among themselves, without letting the patient or other people know what they are talking about. ‘What’s up?’ is a n extremely popular slang used widely by people of all ages? It is used to merely learn what the other person is up to. Slang has become significantly popular among criminals and drug dealers. As they have to keep their conversations restricted and private in the presence of other people, an extensive list of slang phrases has been created by them to replace the standard terms. In Oliver Twist of Charles Dickens, the conspirator is named Fagin. Therefore from then on, Fagin has become parallel to a partner in crime. Gamblers and dealers have also come up with their own slang expressions. A gambler might use various terms to notify his fellow team player of the current status of the game or what move the person will be making next. Slang has been described as verbal invention keeping in mind the cultural framework3. Although slang has gained popularity over time, even today it has mixed views amongst the masses. Some consider as useful and applicable in almost any situation, while ot hers consider it as rebellious. People who support slang often consider it as a reflection of the intelligence and witticism of the person who uses it and senses it as a clever variation in the standard language. Other people, however, criticize the use of slang and believe that it ruins the impression one person has on the other.

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