Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Gucci Company Advertising

Introduction In the contemporary world, both teens and young adults tend to identify themselves with particular brand names in the clothing sector. This is basically because they believe that, it promotes a certain image to them as individuals. One of the most common brand names is â€Å"Gucci†.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gucci Company Advertising specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This company is often referred to as the House of Gucci or just Gucci. It is famous for its luxurious designs in both clothes and accessories that are coveted globally. The original designer of the Italian fashion house was Guccio Gucci and the company logo thus consists of the ‘G’ letter. Two ‘G’ letters face each other interlocked in such a way that, one ‘G’ is reversed. The teens and young adults today perceive attires from the Gucci Company, as the ‘main thing’ that make s them look classy and cool by virtue of the company’s good reputation and fame. This classy and cool image they acquire in wearing Gucci clothes can be said to have been created by both the company advertising, and the Gucci users themselves. The Connection between Advertising and Cultural Values Advertising and particular cultural values connect in such a way that, the way a product is advertised ought to be in line with cultural values for it to be accepted and sold easily. According to Hovland, advertising often impacts the choice of brand customers decide to utilize versus the advertisement’s capacity to add the product’s generic demand. The way a certain product is advertised plays a big role in fostering the standards of a certain product. However, it is still uncertain as to how much advertising remains a reflection of what already exists, or it actually sets standards that are followed by others. Even in the Gucci Company, it is paramount that its adver ts utilize values as well as symbols relevant to teen’s culture. Despite the fact that advertising may reflect the already existing culture, the fact that it reflects can actually shape culture because there is no equal reflection for everything. It is therefore true to say that, as much as advertising reflects on certain cultural values, it is very selective on this because it echoes as well as reinforces certain behaviors, attitudes and values more frequently than others (Hovland 164). Impact of Advertising on Brands and young Adults The cultural values of teens or young adults ought to be in line with a particular urge to be cool and classy at the same time. This has largely been identified with the way the Gucci clothing is advertised to make the consumer feel that its products are classy and most cool in the fashion trends. It is thus very crucial that an advert attracts customers to buy its products, and also that these products also meet the standards claimed in the ad vertisement.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As much as its adverts are good, the Gucci clothing can be said to have acquired merit in that, they have quality products that have over years gained much reputation. The young adults tend to have a culture of coolness, they want to have and wear the latest designs around and not just any imitations there is. It is because of inter alia, such cultural values within the young generation, that the Gucci Company has increasingly gained market for its clothing. Conclusion In a nutshell, the teens and young adults of today love the Gucci brand name when it comes to clothing. This is because the youth have over time developed a culture to always be fashionable and cool, at the same time to be classy or original as the Gucci clothing depict. The youth thus believe that, wearing the Gucci products promotes this image of coolness and clas s. This is something created by both the existing cultural values of young people, as well as the influence of advertisement such as Gucci. The two factors therefore connect in bringing interest to young customers in purchasing Gucci clothing. Works Cited Hovland, Roxanne. Advertising, Society, and Consumer Culture., New York: M.E Sharpe, 2010. This essay on Gucci Company Advertising was written and submitted by user Sophie Morton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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