Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Some people are born with the knowledge on how to maintain and manage their time and others learn it as they grow. I was not so fortunate. While I managed to keep my work areas organized and had somewhat of a routine to help keep my life in relative order, I was always struggling with â€Å"losing† time. It was a problem that always left me feeling guilty about not finishing on time while at same time I was overwhelmed about things that were piling up. I always procrastinated and never got things done the day I thought I should. When I was occupied at school or hanging with friends, I was constantly stressing about the many task I had to get done at home. Then when I was at home I would think about tasks that were left undone in the â€Å"outside world†. It was a never ending cycle that prevented me from being relaxed or enjoyed some days. In the book Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern explains a variety of plans for time management by breaking them down into easy steps. The plans offer different options and structures for people who are constantly struggling with time ma... Essay -- Some people are born with the knowledge on how to maintain and manage their time and others learn it as they grow. I was not so fortunate. While I managed to keep my work areas organized and had somewhat of a routine to help keep my life in relative order, I was always struggling with â€Å"losing† time. It was a problem that always left me feeling guilty about not finishing on time while at same time I was overwhelmed about things that were piling up. I always procrastinated and never got things done the day I thought I should. When I was occupied at school or hanging with friends, I was constantly stressing about the many task I had to get done at home. Then when I was at home I would think about tasks that were left undone in the â€Å"outside world†. It was a never ending cycle that prevented me from being relaxed or enjoyed some days. In the book Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern explains a variety of plans for time management by breaking them down into easy steps. The plans offer different options and structures for people who are constantly struggling with time ma...

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