Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Otto Hahn Biography essays

Otto Hahn Biography essays Most famous chemists are known for discovering elements, naming reactions, and making household cleaners. Otto Hahn saved the free world. With the help of Lise Meitner and Dr. Fritz Strassmann, Hahn discovered the groundbreaking process of nuclear fission, which paved the way for the creation of the atomic bomb. The United States used this weapon much to their advantage, and bombarded Japan to end The Second World War. Otto Hahn was a leader among chemists. He received countless awards, including the Nobel Prize, and was president of many scientific organizations. Without Hahns discoveries, science and the world for that matter would not be as we know it today. Otto Hahn was born on March 08, 1879 in Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany. Heinrich and Charlotte Hahn had three other children, Otto was the youngest. His father was a great businessman of his time, and was the founder of the German company Glasbau Heinrich Hahn, which still exists to this day. Living under the influences of war and economic turmoil, he was a determined young chemist. At age fifteen, Otto would experiment in his laundry room with chemicals. As expected, his mother did not appreciate this, and she encouraged him to enroll in an Organic Chemistry class, which he did. After high school, Hahn studied Chemistry at Marburg and Munich University. He later went on to receive his doctorate degree in the same field in 1901. He enjoyed working with other intelligent chemists, and he did it well. (Otto Hahn) After receiving his doctorate, Hahn began working at the Chemical Institute at Marburg. Two years later, he left this position because he felt he could be doing more for the world. Hahn then left Germany and headed for London. Here, he got a job at University College in 1904. He worked under Sir William Ramsey, the Chemistry Nobel Prize Winner of 1904. Together, Ramsey and Hahn discovered a new radioactive substance, Radiothorium...

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